This once a month event is filled with enthusiasm and fun! It builds community for our youngest families with warmth and spiritual meaning. .
Tot Shabbat is where children ages 0-6 and their parents gather to celebrate and learn together as they connect with friends and meet other young families. Children discover the joy of being Jewish through music, play, and storytelling.
Tot Shabbat is run by the loving and lively Robin Shuler or other songleaders affiliated with KKBE. One of our Rabbis often joins Robin for this service where noise, wiggling, dancing, and questions are all encouraged. Parents and their children join the congregation afterwards for Oneg in the Social Hall with kid-friendly snacks. You can often find the children playing together out back on our playground after the service as well.
Tot Shabbat Videos
Enjoy these wonderful videos by Robin Shuler!
To see more videos: