The KKBE Social Action and Advocacy committee advocates from a foundation of Jewish values that calls on us to heal the world. We do this through social justice initiatives that provide meaningful and impactful opportunities for KKBE members to contribute toward bettering the wider community.
Social action is “to do.” It is putting into motion, performing, or doing public acts done for the good of others. In the context of Tikkun Olam, it is ethical action performed in service of others to heal, mend, or repair the world. It involves sharing time, material, and other resources for the common good.
Social advocacy is “to speak out.” It is public support that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of another. It involves engaging authorities, decision makers, and persons with the power to make change in dialogue with the goal to shape the debate, persuade, influence, and/or affect change. Such dialogue involves both speaking out and full-embodied listening.
The Social Action and Advocacy Committee is focused on an awareness of Social Issues. Recently we participated in a postcard campaign to support Hate Crime legislation, and share insights about our community concerning candidate forums, book banning, Holocaust education, and actions of the School Boards. We also keep abreast of information about antisemitism in the community.

Join us for Mitzvah Day!
KKBE Supports
Neighbors Together
Neighbors Together has brought dignity and hope to the Lowcountry since 1983. In 2021, the organization (formerly Tricounty Family Ministries) changed its name to reflect the transformation we have seen when people come together to help each other.
Members of KKBE volunteer at Neighbors Together on the first Wednesday of every month, supplying volunteers to help distribute groceries and food to people in need. Volunteering is from 9:45 am – 1:00 pm. Neighbors Together is at 2105 Cosgrove Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405. New volunteers are always needed and welcome.
To participate, please contact Lila Trussler at

The Charleston Area Justice Ministry
The Charleston Area Justice Ministry (CAJM) is a grassroots, direct action nonprofit made up of over 40 congregations and organizations that are culturally, economically, racially, and religiously diverse. KKBE, under Rabbi Alexander’s guidance, was one of the founding members of CAJM. Our mission is to work together and resist the status quo, in order to make the Charleston area a more just place to live, work, and do business. We have a vision of a transformed community, one where justice prevails, with a culture of abundance, hope, and promise. CAJM conducts research and education and then publicly addresses the root causes of poverty and injustice in our community. CAJM is unique in its approach in that it transforms the systems that cause suffering by holding local officials accountable for resolving these inequities and injustices. By organizing thousands of people and holding officials accountable, we make our vision a reality..
Please join us!! Email LuAnn Rosenzweig at
HALOS provides support and advocacy for abused and neglected children and kinship caregivers. Those are grandparents, relatives or friends raising children to keep them out of foster care with strangers. KKBE has supported HALOS throughout the year with school supply drives, holiday drives and summer clothing drives. KKBE has also adopted a HALOS family to give them extra support during an especially difficult year.

Charleston Jewish Family Services Kosher Food Pantry
Since its creation in the fall of 2011, the Kosher Food Pantry (KFP) has provided a communal response to hunger in the greater Charleston community. The KFP reflects our commitment to the Jewish values of tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repair of the world) and to serving community members in need with kavod (respect). The members of KKBE fully support the Kosher Food Pantry through food drives, grocery store gift card drives, and financial donations. We also work with the Charleston Jewish Federation to distribute food in the Martin Park Neighborhood once a month as part of the Fresh Express Delivery program. This effort helps feed hungry neighbors and bridges communities.
To make a donation to the Kosher Food Pantry, click HERE.
To learn more about Charleston Jewish Family Services and the Kosher Food Pantry:
Lowcountry Blessing Box Project
Studies show adults with food insecurity will skip meals or reduce their portions to provide for children in their homes as they wait for payday. Many food insecure families do not qualify for the assistance of food banks, or are hesitant to turn to food banks for assistance due to the stigma. One “bad month” can be enough to plunge a household into food insecurity. Lay-offs at work, unexpected car maintenance, unforeseen medical bills, or an accident on the job can suddenly force a family to choose between buying food and paying bills.
Blessing boxes may be found all over the Lowcountry. They are stocked with non-perishable food items, basic toiletries, baby supplies, and anything else that might be considered a blessing to someone who finds themselves in need. Items are anonymously donated and anonymously received. A simple rule applies – Leave what you can, take what you need.
We hope to increase our involvement through the Blessing Boxes with a new program that increases the participation of the KKBE Sunday School, and Bat/Bar Mitzvah classes
To find a Blessing Box or learn how you can help, go HERE.
Follow the Blessing Box Project on Facebook at: