As we state in our mission, at KKBE, we strive to be lifelong learners, open to finding wisdom in a variety of sources. We take seriously the mandate of Reform Judaism to make “educated choices,” and we strive to empower all of our members to learn more about Judaism such that it can become a more meaningful and significant part of their lives.
Through speaker presentations (online and in person), text study, field trips, films, community travel, and multi-session courses, our Lifelong Learning Committee organizes a variety of learning experiences every year to explore Jewish texts and thought, Israel, ritual, Jewish culture and history, and Jewish living. Our goals are to expand Jewish cultural literacy (knowledge), Jewish competency (skills), and Jewish outlook (values) as well as build relationships with one another.
We hope you’ll join us whenever a program piques your curiosity. If you have an idea for a Lifelong Learning program, or would like to join our committee, please contact LLL chair, Beth Sherr (contact info).
Lifelong Learning Videos
Select a recording below to view one of our recent Lifelong Learning programs.